Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Flowers

Thanks Mom, Dad, & D-man
Love you guys!

Home Improvement

No, you're not looking at turfdraagster's blog, it's mine. Promise. I too, have been doing some home improving! A frightening thought, I know, but I think that I kicked ass at it, not gonna lie! After picking out a fairly dark floor for the new media room and to replace the carpet in the office, something wasn't right. It didn't go with anything in the rest of the house. While this may not seem like a problem to all of you, to me, it did. The existing house sported rooms of white plaster and light woodwork and tile. How to tie it all together? We could...stain the doors...YES! So that's what I did. Many combinations of stains later, we came up with the perfect concauction...1/2 natural stain, 1/2 dark gel stain. Voila! Thirteen doors and a lot of personal time spent singing along with my ipod at the top of my lungs later, we had a perfect match to the front door, and a way to tie everything together. I'm pretty sure we spent a few days in a fume-induced haze, but the end result was definitely worth it! I wish I had before pictures to show, but I don't, so the after one will just have to do. Use your imaginations, people!


Hello from the Land of Enchantment! I hope that the sunshine and signs of new life that fill the air here are reaching you too, wherever you are. Trees are budding, cacti blooming, and baby coyotes howling. That last thing is kind of creepy to hear in the middle of the night, not gonna lie! The neighbor is still moving out, and soon, an new one, hopefully only half as crazy, will be taking her place. Kona's finally figuring out how to be a dog, you know, one that listens and stuff, and she'll even play fetch outside sometimes now! And my bike is begging for a chance to get out of its cage to kick up its heels in the red dirt, but will have to wait, due to it inappropriate a"tire." ;)

As for me, a lot of the same is what I have to offer. I love being back at work, even if it's only part-time, and even if I get peed on by cats named Tom. He's as old as I am, he didn't mean to I'm sure. (At least it wasn't anal glands like D.J. got today!) Let's see...I graduated from physical therapy last week. Woohoo! While I still have a lot of work to do and a long way to go before I'm better, I made a lot of progress in 2 months. After being on bed-rest for 2+ months, I finally have some muscle in my legs again, and am walking better and better all the time. Feeling better too! My PT thinks that, if I keep working as hard as I have been, I should be better by June or July. My goal is August or September. Mid-August will be the 1 year anniversary of the move down here, so that seems like as good a time as any to finally be healed.

Dr. Lynn was here for a few days over the weekend, and I'm happy to report that she's very happy with the addition and all of the changes that we made in the house. Phew! That's a relief! Too bad it wasn't all done for her visit, (they've had plenty of time), but it'll definitely be done by the time August rolls around. It better be anyway! We're now standing in the "wait" part of "hurry up and wait." We have to wait for the counter top, wait for the electrician, wait for the plumber, the furniture and the blinds. Oh, and WE have to lay the floor. Should be a fun project. Hopefully the 2 of us don't kill each other! If absence makes the heart grow fonder, then the timing on the floor couldn't be better. If not...well...there will be punches taken in the face I'm sure.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dear Phil

Dear Phil,
I need more meth! You know what I mean. A friend of a friend, if you will, *wink* told me you might be able to hook me up for a good price. His name you ask? It doesn't matter. For the sake of this post, we'll call him "Robert." Robert said you have the best $hit in town, maybe even as good as season 1, and I'm willing to pay top dollar for it. (Theoretically, that is.) Show me season 1, and I'll show you what I'm willing to offer. At 7 pm look to your left, there will be a red door, open it. Walk down the hallway and stop under the exit sign. Open the box on the table to your right. There you will find a letter dictating the details of the exchange.

Monday, March 10, 2008

I Think I Have and Addictive Personality

As you may have noticed, I haven't updated the blog in a while. This is because I have been in treatment. Yes, after a lot of soul searching and tears, I can finally admit that I am an addict. My drug of choice you ask? Well, it's hard to tell you this, because I'm sure you'll be shocked...(sigh)...

Prison Break. There, I said it. You may find this surprising, but I've been using now for about a week and a half. If you've tried meth in the past, you know how I feel. The Montana Meth campaign states "Not Even Once." Well, I tried it, the show that is, and it only took once. They were right. Over the past 10 days, the show has taken over my life. I dunno how I used to live without it. My days are now planned around getting my next fix. It's literally all that I think about! Where are they going now? Did that really just happen? How are they going to get out of this? Where do I go to meet the main character?!? (hehe)

For those of you who haven't seen the show. It's now in it's 3rd season, on Fox. You need to watch it! I cannot emphasize the importance of this enough. You NEED to watch it! Do it! NOW! The writers, whoever they are, are geniuses. I'm certain of it. Whoever came up with the initial idea, a brilliant mind. I think I'm actually in love with his mind. (For obvious reasons, I'm going to assume that main writer is a he.) I can't even explain to you what you're missing, but I'll try anyway. Gentlemen, you'll love the show because of the constant sense of urgency and suspense, the inmates will to live, and the raw human instinct presented. Ladies, I'm happy to tell you that the show is like Baywatch for women! Not joking. The inmates are unlike any I've ever seen before... The main two characters are gorgeous! I think that a lot of that stems from the fact that the main character, Scofield, plays a genius and his brother was set up and wrongly convicted of a crime. Smart guys are sexy, what can I say?!?

I've only seen season 2, not an episode from season 1 or season 3, (which is currently in progress) and I think I may be one of the shows biggest fans already! Season 1 came out in August of 2005...How did I not know about it?!? Why are people not standing on their rooftops, screaming at the top of their lungs, "Prison Break is the best show ever!"? Why? How could I possible have missed out on over 2 1/2 seasons of the show? I may never know the answer to these questions. All I know is that I can now admit that I have a problem... One that I hope continues for another few seasons!

If you need me, I'll probably be unavailable for the next couple of weeks. We have all of season 1 and all of the episodes of season 3 that were aired before the writer's strike to watch! 35 episodes, if my math is correct! 35 episodes x 43 minutes an episode + bathroom breaks=not enough time to get it all in before work tomorrow! $hit! Better get started...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Past 24 Hours

Yesterday, we awoke to an absolutely gorgeous day! It must have gotten up to 70 degrees or so! My day included cleaning out the inside of the Quackmobile and the 4runner, putting on my bathing suit and hand washing my car, and sitting on a stump in the backyard talking about where the fence and the trees are going to go. March 1st and I'm sunburned? This is going to be a great summer and spring is obviously sprung! Right? Wrong!

After yesterday brought us hope of spring, dreams of rafting, and plenty of smiles and vitamin D to go came. Upon first glance this morning, the weather seemed pleasant, not as nice as yesterday, but there was still time for it to warm up. No such luck. Storm clouds rolled in from all sides (it seemed so anyway) and wind began to blow. Lame! While we did manage to sneak in a walk with the Koners, it was cold. Our venture to town this afternoon proved to be even colder. Freaking freezing, is actually the phrase that I would use. Yeah, freaking freezing! Fish and Game jacket and K was still chilled. Of course, it could have been the snow that started falling while we were walking around town! I don't get it. From swimsuit to snowsuit in 24 hours? Sounds like I'm back in Montana. I like it!

I've gotta admit though, that I've never seen a sunset quite like this one in Montana...