Monday, March 10, 2008

I Think I Have and Addictive Personality

As you may have noticed, I haven't updated the blog in a while. This is because I have been in treatment. Yes, after a lot of soul searching and tears, I can finally admit that I am an addict. My drug of choice you ask? Well, it's hard to tell you this, because I'm sure you'll be shocked...(sigh)...

Prison Break. There, I said it. You may find this surprising, but I've been using now for about a week and a half. If you've tried meth in the past, you know how I feel. The Montana Meth campaign states "Not Even Once." Well, I tried it, the show that is, and it only took once. They were right. Over the past 10 days, the show has taken over my life. I dunno how I used to live without it. My days are now planned around getting my next fix. It's literally all that I think about! Where are they going now? Did that really just happen? How are they going to get out of this? Where do I go to meet the main character?!? (hehe)

For those of you who haven't seen the show. It's now in it's 3rd season, on Fox. You need to watch it! I cannot emphasize the importance of this enough. You NEED to watch it! Do it! NOW! The writers, whoever they are, are geniuses. I'm certain of it. Whoever came up with the initial idea, a brilliant mind. I think I'm actually in love with his mind. (For obvious reasons, I'm going to assume that main writer is a he.) I can't even explain to you what you're missing, but I'll try anyway. Gentlemen, you'll love the show because of the constant sense of urgency and suspense, the inmates will to live, and the raw human instinct presented. Ladies, I'm happy to tell you that the show is like Baywatch for women! Not joking. The inmates are unlike any I've ever seen before... The main two characters are gorgeous! I think that a lot of that stems from the fact that the main character, Scofield, plays a genius and his brother was set up and wrongly convicted of a crime. Smart guys are sexy, what can I say?!?

I've only seen season 2, not an episode from season 1 or season 3, (which is currently in progress) and I think I may be one of the shows biggest fans already! Season 1 came out in August of 2005...How did I not know about it?!? Why are people not standing on their rooftops, screaming at the top of their lungs, "Prison Break is the best show ever!"? Why? How could I possible have missed out on over 2 1/2 seasons of the show? I may never know the answer to these questions. All I know is that I can now admit that I have a problem... One that I hope continues for another few seasons!

If you need me, I'll probably be unavailable for the next couple of weeks. We have all of season 1 and all of the episodes of season 3 that were aired before the writer's strike to watch! 35 episodes, if my math is correct! 35 episodes x 43 minutes an episode + bathroom breaks=not enough time to get it all in before work tomorrow! $hit! Better get started...


Anonymous said...

you have season 3 episodes? I'm watching it when I get there!

The Mom

Anonymous said...

what a great blog......way to go M&M you are a great writer A+. I started watching it the very first season and haven't missed to many since. I you want and can tell you that they all get married and their kids all go to prison. hope this news doesn't hurt to much but i just felt you needed to know so you can continue on with your life. Hang in there, you will make it. Mort

Anonymous said...

Season 3 is not out on disc yet and just finished airing. You need to see season 1, it is the shit and comes in an impeccable HD version on bluray disc if you have one of those new fangled players.

Start from the beginning and roll through season 1 and 2 again, better than meth I assure you.


Anonymous said...

Yes, but does it provide you with the genious comic relief of the rediculous Sheldon on the "Big Bang Theory"? I think you're doing too much of the heavy stuff that makes you anxious & uptight, man! You need to do the stuff that makes you feel good! ...your addicted Mom