Sunday, November 23, 2008

Watch "Dexter"

I'm not much of a tv viewer these days. It's just not really my style. Watching an entire season of an amazing show in a week though, that I can do. In the past, I raved about the show "Prison Break" in a post. Today, I'd like to do the same about another show, "Dexter."

If you don't have Showtime, you should get it. In fact, you should get it yesterday! Why, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. It's the only network that you can watch "Dexter" on. Trust me, it'd be worth it. If you're not sold on it yet, go out and rent or buy the first season. I guarantee you'll love it!

In the show, the main character, Dexter, is blood splatter specialist for the police department. He, his sister, who is an up and coming cop, and all of their coworkers spend their days trying to solve murder cases in the city of Miami. Dexter, however, does a little bit of work on the side. He, himself, is a serial killer. He kills the ones that slip through the cracks, the killers who got away with it. He hunts down the bad guys that the police are either trying to catch, or whose cases were closed long ago who are still out roaming the streets. He's very good at what he does and leaves no evidence at all. The people that he kills simply disappear. It's pretty intense! I definitely wouldn't classify it as a family show. That's probably why it's on at 10 pm (on Sunday). Mom and dad, tuck the kids in and watch "Dexter" while they're counting sheep down the hall.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Wow! I'm practically a bonafide mechanic these days. Well, maybe not quite. I can say that I've now assisted in changing brake pads and rotors on the Dubaru, changing the oil (which I can do myself now), bleeding the brakes, rotating the tires, and last but not least, putting on new struts. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I really did help! I like to think that I could do it all by myself now, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case. If anything, I certainly need aid in the area of sheer strength. Apparently I'm lacking. It's definitely safe to say that the bolts that hold everything in and together aren't going anywhere without a damn good fight. 160,000 miles worth of rust has definitely cemented them into place for, at least, most of an eternity. It definitely took us a lot of frustration and energy to get them loose! In the end, we prevailed. Both struts on the passenger side were completely blown, so I think that the choice to put new ones in, though pricey, was a good one. Saved over $600 by putting them in ourselves! Thanks, Keith!

Other than that, all I can add is that I had a bit of an epiphany today. Despite all that's going on, I finally feel like I'm going to be okay. That's a really good thing. It definitely takes big load off my shoulders. Too bad it doesn't seem to be making my neck feel any better, though...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008

In Memory of Linda Szalay

Linda Kay Szalay
November 22, 1942-October 21, 2008

It has been nearly a month now, since my aunt, Linda, passed away. While the world is still turning, just as it was before, it has suffered a great loss. While many of you did not know Linda, those who did, know just how special she was. She was no doubt, one of the least selfish people that you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. Knowing that, it's no surprise that she was such a wonderful and caring nurse. She spent her entire life taking care of others. Whether it was healing premature babies or rubbing the shoulders of family members and friends, Linda never stopped doing everything in her power to make those around her feel better. She offered solutions to all that ailed us in person or over the phone, whether we knew that we were feeling bad or not. She would say try this or try that, maybe you should buy this book, this medication, ask the doctor this or that, have you tried this? She never stopped taking care of us. Right up to the end, she was still giving me shoulder rubs and telling me that she hopes that they can figure out what's wrong with me soon. In her last days, that's what she cared about. Us. I can find no better example of selflessness.

Linda, we love you and miss you terribly. Thank you for the never ending care that you gave to us all. You touched countless lives and inspired us all to be better people. My life is certainly better because you were in it. Your kindness and support through the hard times will never be forgotten.



More Barats and Bereta

Here are some more clips from GU grads, Barats and Bereta. Enjoy!

Ad Guys Episode 1 - barats and bereta

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Birthday Hats!

I have just become aware that my last post, which has been removed, was taken quite seriously, rather than as a complete joke as it was intended. To those affected, I sincerely apologize.

On a happier note, here is a picture of my little cousin Taylor and I celebrating our daddies' birthdays last weekend. Isn't she cute?!?