Sunday, September 21, 2008


Welp, I had a couple of interviews at vet clinics in Salida on Friday, and I'm happy to say that, should I be offered a job by both of them, the choice will be a complete no-brainer. Let me explain... I set up an interview with one of the clinics simply for Friday, no specific time, so when I called at around 11:30 or so to see what time would be best, the interviewer said, "How about right now? I'll take you out for lunch and we can chat." Sweet. She's a new vet, who went to vet school with one of the vets that currently work with at the clinic in NM, and she's awesome! Very down to earth, wanted to chat and get to know me, didn't even really ask me any of the typical interview-type questions. It was definitely the most relaxed, but most effective interview style ever. After, we went to the clinic and I got the grand tour. It's a nice place, with a very personal, small town feel. I like it a lot. I can however, say that the clinic that I work at now is very nice as far as layout and just overall niceness goes. Anyway, I'm supposed to hear back from her this coming week. Wish me luck!

The other interview, if you can even call it that, did not go so well, or maybe it didn't even go at all. The vet who runs the clinic was definitely not with it at all while I was there. I dunno if it's because she really wasn't interested, or she didn't have anything to say, or she doesn't even know what goes on at the clinic that she owns and works at. It was weird. She never really made eye contact, didn't ask any questions, and gave me a half-assed tour. It was werid. I still have to fill out an official application, but I'm really hoping to just hear from the first place before I have to worry about it.

On the way back, we took a longer route so that we could go over the Taos Gorge Bridge, and let me tell you, it was totally worth the added time! I've floated under it a number of times and wanted to see what the river looks like from above, but I never could have guessed how amazing the view was going to be! I wish the photos did it justice, but hopefully you get the point. I'm definitley gonna have to check it out sometime when the river is huge. Yep!
After years of waiting, my bumper stickers have finally found a home. Yay! Now people will have something to read if they're stuck behind me!


Anonymous said...

Obama sticker on my car> What's up with that?

Manders said...

YOUR car? Remember to vote for the ideas, not the D or R after the name!

Anonymous said...

yes their car, you dont own that, come on step it up, i do know how to improve your bumper, no obama 08, and if you want to fight about it bring it on fool!!!!!Dillon