I guess that means that I can go home for Christmas now! Yay! I was saddened by the thought of celebrating my first Christmas away from home this year. I don't think I'm "big" enough for that yet. I thought you had to be older and divorced or widowed or something to spend Christmas at home with your dog. I guess I don't have to worry about it for at least another year now. Whew! A week or two at home in MT might do the body good. Kona might finally get to meet the fam and the Jack-i-son too! Both of my puppies together could be an absolutely terrifying and horrible experience for all involved. I think a fence around the tv and the tree will do the trick though!
Speaking of Kona, as always...she's still getting big. AND she lost three teeth today! Well, in reality, probably only two, but I noticed a third one missing for the first time today. My little girl is growing up! *Tear* Not so secretly though, I'm SO glad those little razors that they call puppy teeth are finally falling out. She's ripped enough pant legs and blankets. Check out the following picture and you'll see what I mean. Don't be fooled by their size! The bobby pin puts the scope of their "minuteness" (not minute like time, minute like very small) into perspective.
Finally after 3 months, I saw my first NM coyotes today. It was a big day! They were in the front yard when Keith came home! Yikes! Kona was on the back porch. It makes me a little nervous because I have seen so many dogs come into the clinic completely torn apart due to coyote encounters. Some live and some don't. I don't want my dog to find herself in such circumstances. She'll be big enough soon so that we don't really have to worry about it, but until then, she remains a nice-sized coyote treat. We'll keep her inside the gate. No invisible fence for now. What a plan! I'm obviously a genius! Ha!
That's that for now. I've applied for a few jobs, so we'll see what comes of them. I guess I'll have plenty of time to look starting in two weeks. Call me, I'll be bored! Really bored! Well I'm off to eat modified juevos rancheros to celebrate my soon-to-be joblessness! Happy Turkey Day!!!
good decision!
Hey.....you keep that chin up little friend! Quiting a job is no big deal the next one could be awesome. You keep looking till you find the perfect one for you. the last one wasn't perfect. When ever you get a job start looking for another one. I know tons of people in there 40's and 50's that have been in the same job all that time and never had the courage to quit and find a good one. unhappy people for sure but that have a job. that is not the goal. find one you love to do, then it is not work it is fun and satisfing. It is good to go home because you will be with people you love and love to be around because of the feeling of comfort and content. Menatlly it is very satisfing. You want to go back with excitment and enthusiasm to handle the day to day life. it is hard everyday for life. have fun and just keep looking. your job for life is to find the perfect job. just because you graduated from college does not mean a good job right away. it takes time, sometime years and some people never do find it, they quit. that is sad. the money is not worth worring about either, it means nothing and having a lot will certainly not mean you will be happy. Peace it what you what, good friends is what is important. Thanksgiving, you have a ton of talent pal you just have to match it with a job. you are a winner just like keith. he is always happy and smiling. ever thought of why that is? have a great holiday and i will continue to pray for you feet. God loves you and so do I.
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