Thursday, October 16, 2008

Quick Update

As a quick update...What I'm up to these days...
(in no particular order, of course...)

-Going to physical therapy for the unexplained numbness and shooting pain in my left arm
-Trying to decide if I'm going to stay in NM long enough to take the promotion I've been offered
-Enrolling in the community college so that I can take a class or two in the Spring
-Thinking that the time and money that will be spent on a book ban, overturning Roe v. Wade, and banning gay marriage could be put to better use over the next 4 years
-Wondering what it would have been like to play in the 4 feet of snow that MT recently got
-Being surprised by how big Hyside's paws suddenly grew
-Taking sweet treks to the mesa in the Pathfinder

It's a lame post, but it's all I've got for now. Laters!

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