Sunday, February 6, 2011

Brrrrr...and Other Stuff

It has been absolutely freezing down here as of late. I'm talking like -30s at night, and just above 0 during the day. Cold. Record lows, freezing pipes, no gas, no heat, no water for a lot of the state. We lucked out and have been okay. If all else fails, at least we have the dogs to keep us warm!

It's snowing again now. Hopefully it'll keep up all day. I do like the snow, even though it makes me feel absolutely awful and makes driving here even more scary than usual, if that's even possible to believe! Also, I have officially become a reliable predictor of whether or not it is going to rain or snow. Yay for me, I guess!

Spring classes have started up again, and this semester I'm taking my warm water exercise class again as well as an online medical terminology course. The good news is that, after a lot of searching and heartache, I finally purchased a long-torso bathing suit that is long enough to keep all the appropriate parts covered! Woot! The bad news is that my medical terminology course is rather boring and tedious. (I probably should have seen that coming.) As expected, my professor arranged the coursework in an unimaginative and annoying way. Tedious... It's a 3 credit course, so a bit of work, but it will be nice to have it under my belt and to be one step closer to being able to apply to grad school. I hope the other classes I still need to take aren't so bad.

 In other news, the birthdays of Jared, Dillon, and Hyside are coming up. Quite a collection of Aquariuses or Aquarii or Aquarians or whatever the heck you call them (or used to call them, depending on which system you use). I had no idea what to get either of the human people, so I hope I don't completely strike out this week! I have some fun planned for Jared, so I"ll keep my fingers crossed. The dog person is a little easier to shop for. I'm thinking a fuzzy tree full of birds or a fuzzy hive full of bees since the tree of squirrels was such a hit at Christmas!

To backtrack a bit, Dillon is turning 18. Woah! I need to spend some more time trying to figure that one out...

I've got a trip to Arkansas for Brenna's wedding planned for March, a trip up to Montana for Dillon's graduation in May followed closely by a trip to Vermont, then I have to work for the rest of the year since all of my vacation will be more than used up. I'm looking forward to the time off. This being a grown-up thing isn't all it's cracked up to be!

That's all for now. I'm gonna go pop some Vicodin and finish my homework for the week. Two of the roomies are out of town for the week, so it's just Jared and me and of course the dogs, the cats, the frog, and all the fish. Sweet!

Wilderness Medical Systems, LLC.

The owners of this company are my neighbors in Montana. They are running a really cool company customizing and selling wilderness preparedness kits. Awesome!