Thursday, October 11, 2007

Puppies Take Time!

Well, as you might have noticed, it's been a while since I've updated the blog...about 2 weeks to be exact, minus puppy pictures. This is because puppies take time. A lot of time! They like to play and bite and chase and chew and sleep and eat and explore and poop and play...did I mention play?!? At any rate, Kona is pretty much the greatest puppy ever! We really lucked out with her. Her brother, who I originally fell in love with, turned out to have a not-so-great personality, which seems to be getting worse by the day. I was originally a little skeptical about getting the little girl, Kona, but she's amazing and I'm so glad that we picked her!
In other news, I'm getting much better at doing blood draws at work, little dogs still need work, but eh well. Also, I got to do my first dental on a dog today! Woohoo! This may not sound like a lot, but it's pretty neat, trust! It was on a bulldog though, and let me tell you that I'm very glad that I don't own a bulldog. Faces only a mother could love! That's all I have to say about that! That's a lie, because I'd like to add that bulldogs have hair, yes, little pockets of hair, fur if you will, between their teeth! Sick!

As for my feet, the news is not as exciting and I'm less than optimistic at this point in time... Standing for more than 8 hours a day 5 days a week is not going as well as I had hoped. Besides the feet, the knees now seem to be functioning at a much-older-than-I-really-am level. Not cool to say the least. Hopefully I can figure something out, continue getting used to standing, or modify my job somehow so that I can keep it. I really, really like it, but waking up in pain is a bad flashback to a not-so-long-ago time in my past when I should have caved and taken better care of myself. The stubbornness that I inherited (I wonder which side of the family that came from?!?) is not always such a good thing. Who knew? Anyway, for now I shall persevere and keep teaching Kona tricks. She's gonna be able to do it all!!! Ahahahahaha!

Welp, Grey's is about to start! Until later...

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